Falling for Him (Stories of Serendipity) Read online

Page 4

  Mommee_dearest: Oh yeah…I do…

  Cool_Hand_Luke: I want to grab your ass and lift you into my arms, push you against the wall of my office, and impale your hot, wet pussy on my hard, thick cock.

  Amy's fingers were circling the button above her folds, and her breath was no longer ragged gasps, but low moans. Her other hand pinched her nipple hard, and her fingers sunk deep inside herself. She watched the computer screen, tweaking her nipples and finger fucking herself, unable to respond to Cool_Hand_Luke's dialogue, too involved in her own pleasure.

  Cool_Hand_Luke: I want to sink my cock inside you repeatedly, until I feel you clench around me, before I cum inside you. I want to hear you scream with pleasure. I want to shatter you. I want to feel you come undone, before I find my own release. Then I will lower you slowly to the floor, wrap my arms around you, and kiss you until you forget how to breathe.

  Amy came hard around her fingers with a loud groan, spasming on the chair in her bedroom. She sat there, trying to catch her breath.

  Cool_Hand_Luke: Are you still there?

  Mommee_dearest: Catching my breath.

  Cool_Hand_Luke: Did you just have an orgasm?

  Mommee_dearest: Oh yeah, I did. Thank you.

  Cool_Hand_Luke: My pleasure…

  Mommee_Dearest: Did you?

  Cool_Hand_Luke: Ha! Nope, still in the office, but I'm pretty sure I won't be moving from behind my desk for a while.

  Mommee_dearest: LOL. You want to try again later, when there's nobody in the office? I can think of some things I would like to do to you…

  Cool_Hand_Luke: Oh Hell yeah…There's a lunch meeting tomorrow that I don't have to go to. Would that be okay? Around twelve?

  Mommee_dearest: I'll be there.

  Cool_Hand_Luke: I'll be looking forward to it. I probably won't sleep tonight. LOL. You are amazing, you know that?

  Mommee_dearest: Not really, but thank you.

  After logging off, Amy looked around her bedroom and felt an intense pang of guilt. She was sure that what she had just done was considered cheating. She looked at the bed that she shared with Bryan, freshly made that morning, and her gut churned. She suddenly felt nauseate and ran to the bathroom to empty her stomach of everything she'd eaten in the last twelve hours. Afterward, she felt a little better, and resolved to do something about her marriage. One way or the other.

  The bell tinkled when Amy walked into the used book shop on Main Street. A Summer Place was run by one of her High School alumni, Summer Baum. She was a slightly weird, quirky girl that Amy managed to sort of stay in touch with. They weren't really friends, but they said "Hey" when they saw each other around town. Summer was wearing her hair in a super short bob cut, and it was dyed red with platinum streaks in it.

  "Hey! How's it going, Amy?" Summer bobbed around the counter to give Amy a hug.

  "Pretty good, I guess. Where's your self-help section?" Amy wasn't sure she really wanted help looking for this particular book, but she was also sure that if she did have to ask somebody, Summer would be the one.

  "It's over there," she said, pointing at a book shelf across from the register. "What are you looking for in particular?"

  "Um…" Amy was deciding whether or not to open up to Summer, who looked at her openly, expectantly. "Marriage advice?"

  "You and Bryan having problems? It's natural, I'd imagine. I've been with Bo forever, and as happy as we are, we have our ups and downs." She led the way to the bookshelf. "Our marriage section is here, but if you're looking to spice things up, I've got a shelf in the back you can look at." She winked at Amy before leaving her to peruse the books.

  Amy picked up book after book, looking through the table of contents. "These books are written for idiots. Who hasn't tried this stuff?" She slammed the last book into place, blowing out air that fluffed up her bangs.

  "Okay, let me see the back room shelf." She turned and followed Summer, who actually bounced into the back room.

  "I'll leave you back here alone. Some people are embarrassed about this section. It's not all porn or anything, don't look at me like that. But there's some pretty graphic how-to guides here." She left through the multi-colored curtain, and Amy turned to the bookshelf.

  There were more sex books on the shelf than there were self-help books in the entire store. Amy giggled to herself, as she picked up one after the other, trying to decide. This was her last-ditch effort. If she couldn't make Bryan look at her after doing some of this stuff with him, she didn't know what she could do…

  That night, after dinner, Amy prepared herself to go to Bryan. He was in his man-cave, and she wasn't going to leave until he'd had sex with her. Period. Then maybe she would feel like he still cared, like he wanted her, like he still loved her.

  Amy revisited the black lace thong and robe ensemble that she'd worn before on her failed attempt at a nooner and hurried to the garage before her children could see her. She knocked quietly, then entered without waiting for a response.

  Bryan was in one of the recliners with his guitar. She hadn't heard him play in years, and a pang of sorrow pierced her heart. He wrote her love songs when they had gone out and were first married. He'd sung the children lullabies.

  The song he was singing now was new.

  He didn’t hear her enter, and she stood in front of the closed door and listened as his last refrains faded into the air before she spoke.

  "I haven't heard you play in a while…"

  Bryan started. He almost dropped the guitar in his hurry to put it aside and sweep his hair back. Guilt shone in his eyes. That's when she realized the love song was for another woman. She had to remind herself she was his wife, and she had to make sure she’d tried everything to make him see her.

  Taking a deep breath, she stalked towards him, doing her best to look seductive.

  "What are you doing in here, Amy?" Bryan asked, his voice sounding pained.

  "What do you think I'm doing in here, Bryan?" She forced a sultry note into her voice, but of course, it sounded forced. Just like she felt. But she wasn't going to give up. This was her last chance.

  She stood before him and dropped her robe, revealing the breasts that had nursed both of their children and hips that had bore them. Her stomach was a little poochie, and everything was stretched, but it was her body, and damned if he was going to make her feel ashamed of it.

  He stood, his gaze traveling up her body, from her toes to her face, and he cocked an eyebrow at her.

  "What do you want me to do?"

  She almost gave up then. But she couldn't. Taking a shaky breath, she said, "I want you to fuck me, Bryan."

  In less than two strides, he was on her, pushing her back roughly, until the back of her legs hit the desk.

  "You want me to fuck you, Amy?"

  The look in his eyes was wild, intense, and scary. It was like he was at a precipice, and she had just told him to jump. She bit her lip, and nodded, unable to tear her gaze away from his face.

  Bryan closed his eyes and breathed in a harsh ragged sounding breath. Then, without opening his eyes, he reached for her, grabbing her ass while his mouth suckled her neck. He lifted her on top of the desk and slipped his fingers into the waistband of her panties. With a growl, he ripped them off and shoved her legs open. His mouth was on her breast now, biting and sucking.

  Amy didn't know what to do. This was what she'd asked for, but it wasn't like anything she'd ever experienced with Bryan before. It was like he was a different person.

  Or she was.

  Realization dawned, and Amy tried in vain to push him back.

  "Bryan, wait…Stop."

  Instead of stopping, Bryan pushed his cock inside her folds roughly, filling her with a groan. He pumped in and out of her faster and harder than he'd ever done. In spite of herself, Amy started to feel a pressure build inside. A warm ripple that threatened to turn into a crashing wave. Bryan still hadn't opened his eyes, and she just knew that he wasn't fucking her.

  He was fuck
ing somebody else.

  She was breathless now, almost on the edge. "Bryan."

  His voice was harsh. "Scream for me, baby."

  "What?" Oh god, she was almost there. Bryan's mouth captured her breast again, and he bit down. Hard.

  Amid a terrifying mixture of pain and pleasure, Amy hit the edge and screamed, as the raw release shuddered through her. He kept pumping furiously, harder and harder, until he came and fell on top of Amy.

  Never once did he open his eyes.

  When she had caught her breath, Amy said, "Who is she?"

  Bryan lifted his head and looked at her. "Who?"

  "Who were you thinking about just then?"

  "What? Nobody." Amy had known Bryan her entire life, and the guilt in his eyes was clear as glass.

  He ducked down and reached for his pants to pull them up, before turning to lower himself back in his recliner.

  She watched him, skin glowing with the after-effect of sex, his hair in need of a trim. His workouts had been working. Whoever he was trying to impress would be pleased.

  Amy sniffed back tears of regret. "Goodnight, Bryan."

  Chapter 5:

  The next morning, after her Pilates workout, Amy eagerly logged on for her morning fix with Cool_Hand_Luke. He was already there.

  Cool_Hand_Luke: How was your night?

  Mommee_dearest: It was alright. I think I've made a decision.

  Cool_Hand_Luke: Oh?

  Mommee_dearest: I'm going to file for a divorce.

  Cool_Hand_Luke: Did something happen?

  Mommee_dearest: He's having an affair.

  Cool_Hand_Luke: Oh…I'm sorry.

  Mommee_dearest: It's okay. It's not like we've had the best marriage in a while.

  A tear escaped before Amy even realized she was crying. She wiped it from her cheek.

  Cool_Hand_Luke: What about the kids?

  Mommee_dearest: Don't you think divorce is better for them than living in a house with two parents who can't stand each other?

  Cool_Hand_Luke: So, you can't stand your husband?

  Mommee_dearest: Not after last night…

  Cool_Hand_Luke: What happened?

  Mommee_dearest: I don't really want to talk about that. Can we change the subject?

  Cool_Hand_Luke: Okay, but just know that I care about you. If he hurt you, I want to find him and hurt him.

  Mommee_dearest: Your protectiveness is sweet, Cool_Hand_Luke, but he didn't hurt me physically, so there's no point. Besides, you still don't know who we are.

  Cool_Hand_Luke: I wish I did…

  Mommee_dearest: Why? So you can come and hurt him?

  Cool_Hand_Luke: No…I want to see you.

  Mommee_dearest: I don't think now is a good time, Cool_Hand_Luke. I want to see you too, but I'm really confused, and I don't think that meeting you would help the confusion.

  Cool_Hand_Luke: I understand. So, what are you going to fix for supper tonight? Have you planned your day that far ahead?

  She appreciated his attempt to change the subject, so she told him about the new recipe she was trying out on her family tonight: Bleu-cheese stuffed steaks, with a side of oven-roasted asparagus, drizzled with a balsamic vinegar reduction sauce.

  Cool_Hand_Luke: I wish you were my wife. That sounds amazing.

  Reality hit her like a sledge hammer. She wasn't his wife. He was already married. While he didn't talk about his wife as much as she talked about Bryan, Amy knew that his wife stayed at home and took care of the kids, much like she did. She wondered if his wife knew what he was up to at work. A wave of remorse washed over Amy, wondering if Cool_Hand_Luke's wife felt the same way that she did. Was she the cause of that woman's misery?

  Mommee_dearest: I've got to go. TTYL

  Cool_Hand_Luke: Um…Okay. TTYL. LY.

  Amy logged off the computer, her mind whirling. LY? Did that mean Love You? She wasn't even going to think about that. That brought way more complications to the table than she was willing to deal with right now. Right now, she had to figure out what she was going to do about Bryan.

  She was certain that Bryan had someone else. Before last night, it had just been a suspicion, but the way he had made love to her last night, not looking at her, not kissing her at all…Now she was positive. He may not have had sex with the other woman, but there definitely was another woman.

  It was time they just called the marriage off. They weren't interested in each other any more. That much was plain to her. She would talk to a lawyer as soon as she could, and then after the holidays were over, she would present Bryan with the idea of a divorce. She couldn't ruin Christmas for the kids.

  She was surprised that the first lawyer she called was available that afternoon, so she kept herself busy until it was time to get ready to go.

  When the time came, she dressed in some slacks and a turtle necked sweater, before driving herself to Michael LeBlanc's office.

  Once she got there, she was greeted by an efficient looking woman with her hair pulled back in a tight bun. She greeted Amy with a smile.

  "Mr. LeBlanc will be with you as soon as he gets off the phone. He won't be a moment."

  Amy was too nervous to sit, preferring to stand in the waiting area, until a diminutive man wearing a wrinkled suit came to the doorway. The thought actually crossed her mind that this might be Cool_Hand_Luke. She looked at him in question, but dismissed the thought. If she did that, she’d make herself crazy.

  "Mrs. Caldwell? Come back here to my office." He turned, and she had to jog to keep up with him, as he led her to a cramped room devoid of anything personal. His walls were bare with the exception of a few diplomas. The bookshelves were filled with books piled haphazardly on them. File boxes with papers spilling out were stacked in every conceivable space.

  Sitting behind his desk, he flashed her a harried smile. "How can I help you today?"

  "I'm looking into a divorce. I need to know how complicated it will be."

  "That all depends on how complicated you want it to be. And the other party, of course. Will it be amicable, do you think?"

  She pursed her lips. "Oh yes, I think so." Surely he wouldn’t fight it. After all, he apparently already had somebody lined up to take her place.

  "A quicky divorce is simply a matter of filing the proper paperwork with the courts. Assuming there are no custody battles or issues with property. The more of that stuff, the more expensive and time-consuming it will be."

  Amy asked a few more questions before her curiosity was satisfied. She took home the necessary information for the lawyer's end and bid him a quick good-bye.

  Once she was back home, Amy changed clothes and started making dinner. Brad was at a friend’s house and Ashley was supposed to pick him up when she was finished with her after-school tutorials, so Amy was free to cook the meal in peace.

  When the kids got home, she set them to helping her finish things up before Bryan came in from work.

  "It smells good, Mom." Brad sniffed appreciatively.

  "Yeah. I like most of the new recipes you've been trying lately," Ashley chimed in.

  "Thanks, guys. I appreciate that."

  Her timing was perfect. Amy put the last platter on the table, just as Bryan was coming in the door. When he plopped down in his seat at the table, he looked at the steak in front of him, oozing bleu cheese, then the platter of asparagus. His face paled, and he looked up at Amy, wide-eyed.

  "What?" She asked him, wondering what she'd done wrong this time, but not really caring.

  "N-Nothing. Looks great." He dropped his gaze and started eating. He took a couple of bites, then looked at Brad. "How was your day, buddy?” Bryan actually leaned over and ruffled his hair. Amy watched the boy flush with pleasure at the attention.

  “It was okay. I went to Mark’s after school. He got a new PS3. I want one for Christmas.” His wide eyes looked at Bryan, pleading.

  Bryan didn’t acknowledge him. Amy watched him as he stared at his plate of food, before finally cutting a
piece of steak and putting it in his mouth. His eyes rose to Amy’s while he chewed. Trepidation rose in her gut as she watched him glare at her angrily. His jaw muscles worked as he chewed and stared. Amy finally dropped her eyes and speared a piece of asparagus. Bryan turned to Ashley. “Don't you have a recital or something coming up, Ashley?” She stared back at him wide-eyed. He never expressed an interest in her dancing events.

  "Yeah, in three weeks. We're dancing at the Christmas festival downtown on Saturday."

  "Do we have Thanksgiving plans?" Bryan asked Amy, the angry glare gone, something else in his eyes.

  "Just the usual. Dinner here. Any requests for side dishes or desserts?" She looked around the table, thankful to not have to see Bryan anymore. She couldn’t imagine what she’d done to elicit such glares from him and was glad to change the subject to one she was familiar with at the dinner table. Food.

  Chatter ensued about their favorites from what Amy had been trying out, and she made a mental menu plan in her head for Thanksgiving Feast, as it had been named by Ashley when she was three. Thanksgiving was next week, and the kids were out of school. They were making plans to spend time with their friends.

  As idle as the chit chat was, Amy couldn't stop the emotions inside her from roiling around. Her thoughts spun around Bryan's affair, to Cool_Hand_Luke's wife, to Cool_Hand_Luke himself, to her kids and how they would be affected by a divorce. She watched her family around the dinner table, knowing that she and Bryan were pretending. Pretending.

  As soon as she could, Amy gathered the dishes and took them to the kitchen to start washing. The kids went up to their rooms to do homework, and Bryan went to the living room to watch the news. When she was finished, instead of joining him, she went upstairs to their bedroom and took a long, hot bath, hoping to soak away some of her tension.