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- Conley, Anne
My Mistake (Stories of Serendipity #7) Page 4
My Mistake (Stories of Serendipity #7) Read online
Page 4
“Les, huh? You keep up with all the old crew?”
He shrugged. “Pretty much just Les and Max, but Max is married and fixing to be a dad, so his time’s been limited lately.” His words died in his throat as he watched her look around the crapshack he called home.
Stifling his awkwardness he said, “It’s not much, yet. I’ve got to get the barns and property fixed up before I can start working on the house.”
Casey nodded, straight-faced, but her eyes danced. “It’s not bad, Brent. In fact, it’s almost cozy.” She was making fun.
“Yeah, if you’re a squirrel.” The farmhouse that had come with the property was tiny. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, a small kitchen that led into an equally small living room. All crammed into about eight hundred square feet. He had plans to build a new house, later. Until then, this would do. At the moment, it was clean. And that was saying something. “In fact, when I moved in, I think I displaced a family or two…”
She laughed and he rose, gesturing to the back door and to the horses, grabbing his Stetson off the back of the couch on his way.
“I thought we’d take a spin around the ranch, and then I packed some food for us when we get to the other side. Is that okay?” He busied himself by walking around the horses, tightening the cinches.
“Sure. I’m game for anything.” Brent watched as Casey walked up to Sugar and the Colonel, cooing and making soft noises the whole way. Sugar held her nose out, but when Casey went to stroke the muzzle, the Colonel butted in to get the attention. Casey laughed. “I see who the attention whore is. What’s your name?” She cooed to the stallion.
“That’s the Colonel. He can be a bitch, so I’ll be riding him. You get Sugar. She’s my sweetheart.” As if sensing his words, the mare perked her ears forward and he scratched them, before leading the Colonel away slightly.
He held out his hand to Casey who took the proffered apple pieces. “Feed these to Sugar and she’ll be yours forever.” He kept back a couple of pieces for the Colonel, so he wouldn’t feel neglected. Mooch, who’d stuck by Casey’s side since she’d gotten there, waited for her boots to get still in front of the horse before plopping his butt on her toes. She looked at the canine with an indulgent smile.
“Spoil them much?”
“Hey, it’s a sanctuary. Spoiling’s the name of the game.” He held out his hand to help her up onto Sugar, but she ignored it, swinging astride the large mare gracefully. “Have you been riding much?”
She shook her head. “Not since I sold my mare for textbooks. I’ve missed it. I’m hoping it’s like a bicycle.”
He swung up on his own mount. Sugar had taken a few steps forward, while Casey got the feel of the saddle between her legs again, and Brent admired the view from behind. If he’d thought her ass looked good before, now it was a positively delightful scene, sitting astride leather. Oh the things he could do to that…
“Is it?” She interrupted his thoughts and he swallowed thickly, looking up at her face, seeing the knowing smirk.
“I’m sorry…Is it what?” Smooth, Romeo. Real smooth…
She laughed. “Like a bicycle. Am I going to have to re-learn everything?”
“Your muscles may get a little sore, if you haven’t ridden much. But the rest comes back naturally, I think.”
“So, are these rescued horses?” Casey followed Brent’s lead as they took off at a slow gait to get her accustomed to the rhythms of the animals.
“No. I bought the Colonel after I had an accident on Dash. Do you remember Dash?” She nodded. “I had to put him down.” He wouldn’t go into the entire story on that one, not unless she asked. It was just too damn hard to talk about. “Sugar came with the ranch. I bought it from an old couple who was going into a nursing home in town. They couldn’t keep up the place anymore, and I got a pretty good deal on it. Of course, I’ve had to re-do all the fencing, rebuild the existing barn, in addition to adding a couple more barns and arenas for various stages in the rehabilitation process. I’m still trying to get the pastures up to snuff…”
They rode around the property, as Brent relaxed and explained his vision for the sanctuary. He showed her the different arenas and the rescues he’d brought in the other day. Two of the mares were looking better after only a couple of days of regular food and water, vaccinations and worming medicine. The third one would need a little extra attention.
She told him about her marriage, and he honestly wanted to stomp the asshole who’d killed her dreams. The Casey he remembered dreamed of becoming an advertising executive, not working a job she hated. Then, after years of trying to get pregnant, he’d cheated? And gotten some hoochie pregnant? Fucking idiot.
Then they turned to re-living old memories, the fond ones, and steered clear of the painful ones. They talked of FFA competitions they competed together in, the Youth Rodeos, of the summer trip to the beach, Brent’s first time to see the Gulf and how awed he’d been. They talked about birthday parties and sneaking out, of partying in the house next door to Brent’s Nana’s house, where he’d grown up, of dares involving the “ghost” there.
When they reached the Weeping Willow on the banks of the stock pond on the other side of Brent’s property, they dismounted, Casey actually allowing Brent to help her down. He relished the feel of her waist in his grip and the way her body slid down his as her feet reached the ground.
“Wow. My muscles need a little work, I’m thinking.” She gasped as she put her weight on her feet after he let go of her.
“Just wait until we get back. This is only half way.” He winked at her flirtatiously, loving the flush that rose in her cheeks. She would never admit to over-doing something. And he realized he shouldn’t push her so hard. He would take a shorter route back home.
Mooch had trotted along behind the horses the entire way, but now he pushed ahead and went to the edge of the lake to lap up a half a gallon of water before flopping himself in some shade, tongue lolling, eyes closed.
Gingerly, she followed Brent as he laid out a blanket under the tree, before collapsing on it with a sigh. “This is beautiful.”
“It’s my favorite spot. I’d like to build a house out here eventually.” He knew it would be great to build it with Casey, but he couldn’t say something like that on their first date in twenty years. But the truth of the matter was, it had always been Casey. She was always in the back of his mind when he made any sort of major life decision. He’d always done what he thought she would be happy with, because somewhere deep in his psyche, he’d known they would reconnect.
And he told himself he couldn’t screw up this time.
He watched her enjoy the scenic view of the placid water with the trees as a backdrop from her seat on the grass under the willow tree. A longing tugged at him, and he watched her soak in her surroundings. He could see tensions dissipate and smiled to himself. She was so innocent looking, with her long curls falling down her back, the pensive look on her face. She’d taken off the over shirt, and was wearing a white tank top, stretched over her delicious curves, and Brent stifled a shudder of intense need.
He pulled a grocery sack out of the saddle bag and tossed her a drink. Then he went about laying out food for them to snack on: Pretzels, sliced salami, cheese cubes, and grapes. He let the horses loose to graze and drink at the water’s edge while they rested and ate.
“I was an idiot, before graduation. I shouldn’t have left you like that.” He finally broke the comfortable silence. He wasn’t planning to ruin the beautiful moment they were sharing, but the guilt of his actions so long ago was killing him. She may have said it was forgotten, but it wasn’t. Not by him.
“Like I said, no big deal.”
“The truth is, you were my kid sister’s friend, and I was fixing to go off to college. I didn’t want you to wait for me, to miss out on all sorts of things because your boyfriend was away. I didn’t want to end up hurting you, so I just…hurt you worse. I’m sorry.”
Her eyes on his were filled with th
e pain of the memories. He knew she was going back over the details of that night on the bus, just like he was. They had been coming back late one night from a FFA trip to Longview, and it was dark. They were in the back of the bus, and most everybody else was asleep.
Brent had had a crush on Casey since he’d been twelve and that night, he’d acted on it. His friend Les had goaded him into it. Never mind that it was six weeks before he’d be graduating and moving out of this town, leaving her to finish three years of high school.
He’d kissed her, there in the back of the bus, her eyes wide and eager, her tongue more than willing. Casey’s innocence opened up to his enthusiastic fingers and he’d felt her climax around them. He’d held her, stroked her, kissed her the entire trip home, almost three hours.
And then he’d panicked and never spoken to her again, except to say goodbye. See ya around. She’d even gone with Summer and Nana to see him off on the bus, and he’d been too chicken-shit to even look her in the eyes, knowing the pain of rejection he’d see there. He’d just left her.
“It’s forgotten, Brent. Please…” Her voice pleaded with him, but he couldn’t let it go.
“I just need you to know that you were so much more important to me than that, Case. I loved you then.” I’ve loved you since. I love you now. He wanted to say the words, but there was so much more that she needed to know before he could tell her that. She needed to know everything about his past, and he wasn’t ready to go there just yet.
Her finger traced the stubble on his cheek. It tickled, and his hand reached for hers, twining their fingers together.
“I loved you too, Brent. You broke my heart. I won’t lie about it.” She offered a heavy sigh, and Brent could hear the pain he’d caused her, as well as her efforts to hide it. “But it was so long ago. I’ve thought of you often, and I’m glad that we have this opportunity to start over. But I’m not the same person I was, as I’m sure you’re not either.” He scoffed a laugh at this. Of course not, and she would find out soon enough. “Let’s just enjoy what we have now, without delving into ancient history. Please?”
He raised her hand to his lips and kissed the knuckles. “Okay.” They ate more in silence, and he couldn’t stop watching her. She would glance over at him occasionally and smile a smile that stopped his heart, but mostly she just watched the water, seemingly content.
Mooch had abandoned his post by the water’s edge and had inched over to lay his head in Casey’s lap, looking at her adoringly. Idly, her fingers scratched his ears, while her gaze stayed trained on the water. Brent could see her forehead glisten with sweat from the heat of the day, and he watched a bead, fascinated, as it rolled down her temple and disappeared into the collar of her shirt.
“Is this how you eat all the time? Superbowl food?” She teased him as he started packing up.
He chuckled in response. If she saw how he ate, she’d probably run for the hills screaming. He’d gone to the store specifically for this stuff. He had no idea how to pack cereal for a picnic. Brent couldn’t believe he’d actually told her he would fix a meal. He’d been kicking himself ever since the words had left his mouth. He should have gotten sandwiches from the shop in town or something.
When she stood, he saw her stifle the grimace. “Are you okay? I can ride home and get the truck if you want.” Guilt washed over him. He should have known that riding across two hundred acres on horseback was too much her first time riding in forever.
“No, I’m just a little sore. I’ll be okay.” She stretched her long limbs and strode over to her horse, looking remarkably resuscitated.
“I’ll hold back the Colonel and let you set the pace. Sugar knows the shorter way back to the barn, just lead her in that direction.” He pointed over the hill, once again admiring how gracefully Casey swung herself astride the mare.
Once up, Case grinned a devilish smile down at Brent that he knew only meant trouble. “Race ya!” With a yell, she dug her heels into Sugar’s flanks and whipped the reins back and forth startling the mare into action that Brent had never seen in the old horse.
“I’ll be damned…” He forgot to breathe a minute as he watched Casey lean over the front of the horse and raise her delicious ass in the air as she rode over the hill. When she’d disappeared from view, he snapped back to reality and strode over to the Colonel, who was lazily munching on some grass in the shade. “Come on, buddy. We’ve got a little catching up to do.”
He jumped on his horse and gave him a flick of the reins. The Colonel spurred to action eagerly. He hadn’t been really ridden in a couple of weeks and relished the opportunity to stretch his legs. As they crested the hill, Brent could see Casey a little ways up ahead, Sugar’s energy flagging. He still lost his breath a little at the sight of her hair streaming behind her as she leaned forward, trying to coax more speed from the old horse.
His eyes were glued to her ass though, as it rode the saddle like they were two parts of a well-oiled machine, denim stretched tightly over her rump, riding the horse the way he wished it would ride him.
When he pulled up next to her, she was flushed, and her eyes were glassy with excitement.
“Wow! I’d forgotten what that felt like!” She rubbed Sugar’s neck and the thankful mare slowed to a fast trot, which seemed to bounce Casey more in her seat. Brent’s eyes drank in the sight.
“I can remember you once told me racing barrels was like becoming the wind.” His voice sounded odd to himself. It was probably because it was so hard to talk when his dick was so hard, crammed in his jeans, which were suddenly too fucking tight. As soon as he got home, he could do something about it.
“Yeah. There’s just not much like riding a horse. It’s been so long since I’ve felt so free.” She was giddy with excitement, and it was infectious. Brent caught the goofy smile he had on his face, but did nothing to stop it. It was all just a part of being around Casey.
Back at the barn, he unsaddled and rubbed down the horses quickly, giving Casey a curry brush for Sugar. They both worked quickly and silently, and Brent wondered what Casey was thinking about. He’d mucked the stalls out before saddling the horses for the ride, so now he just had to let the impatient horses in to get to their feed for the night.
After driving Casey the short distance back to the house, he let her inside, noticing her ginger movements.
Leaving a mopey Mooch on the porch, he followed her in. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Do you have any wine or beer? That might relax some of these muscles.” She dropped onto the sofa in his living room.
“Sorry. I don’t drink, but I can get you some ibuprofen.” He really felt awful now about riding too hard her first time. He went into the kitchen to make her a glass of ice water.
When he returned, her back was to him, but her hands were rubbing her ass through her jeans in long, slow stokes. He watched her hands move up and down the perfect globes and all of the blood in his body went southward. “What I wouldn’t give for a good body rub right now.”
Was she fucking kidding? His knuckles whitened around the glass of water he was holding, and he nearly choked on the pool of spit that had suddenly formed in his mouth. He took a deep breath and swallowed thickly, aware that she would probably slap him senseless if she could read his thoughts right now.
Every adolescent fantasy he’d ever had involved Casey. Even some of his adult ones. Brent knew that he’d reached a dark place in his early adult-hood, and had had a difficult time climbing out of that abyss. But his memories still loved one aspect of his past: fantasies of Casey.
As he looked at Casey, who’d glanced back at him over her shoulder, he could see the desire in her eyes. The beast was roaring inside him, wanting its fix. But the innocence that radiated off this woman in front of him gave him pause. He wanted nothing more than to take her right here on the floor and bury himself deep inside her.
But it was Casey. It was the woman version of the girl who had given birth to some of his most innocent fantasies. She was t
he one he’d always wanted, in some part of his mind. Sure, he’d imagined her in some of his more sordid desires, but he’d never in his life believed they’d come true.
Won’t know until you try, Cowboy. He sauntered around to where she was standing and handed her the glass and two pills.
“Take these and drop your pants. Lay down on the floor. I’ll be back in a minute.” He knew that whenever he came back, he’d know exactly where she stood.
Chapter 7
Thank God. Casey swallowed the pills and drank the water before shucking her jeans and shirt. He’d taken the bait. About damned time. He’d been staring at her all day long, and she had no idea what had kept him from kissing her. Lord knew he’d had ample opportunity.
Sure, she was sore from the ride, she hadn’t ridden in years. But she hardly needed a body rub. Apparently though, Brent needed a little kick in the pants.
When he returned to the living room, holding a bottle of lotion, she had spread the blanket that she’d found on the couch on the floor, and was laying on her back, wearing only her bra and panties. Her favorite ones.
She watched him stop in his tracks, as his eyes took in her nearly naked body, lounging on his floor. He sucked in a hard breath, before breathing out one word, “Nice.”
Casey giggled. “I would love a body rub.”
He walked over to her and set the bottle of lotion down on the floor next to her. “Let me light some candles. That’s how the pros do it, right?”
“Yeah, and soft music, too. It’s a relaxing ambience.” She squirmed under his gaze before something seemed to snap inside him and he turned to go into the kitchen. When he returned, he had an arm full of candles and a lighter.
She waited impatiently, feeling more than a little self-conscious as he walked around the room, distributing candles and lighting them. He hummed softly to himself, and Casey was reminded of what a lovely singing voice he had. When he’d finally finished, he turned to her, his eyes drinking her in. Again, he turned his back to her, and she let out a frustrated sigh, to which he responded by softly chuckling. She could see his massive shoulders shaking as he dug around in a drawer under the TV set, revealing an iPod with a docking station.